The Paints Post - How to get started with mini painting

You see glorious photos of painted miniatures. The intricate details. The shading. The fine motor skills required! It’s a whole wide world and you just want to dive right in but there’s so much to learn, so much to buy!
As someone who only recently started painting miniatures earlier this year, in this blog post, I’ll be covering some of the awesome paint sets we sell at Gameology as well as some other useful things to pick up on your painting journey!
The world of mini painting might look scary on the outside, but today I’ll be showing you how it’s actually quite welcoming and beginner-friendly!
Now, why start with a paint set, when you can buy individual paints? Well, for me, in my case, I was (and still am) so overwhelmed by the sheer amount of individual paints available that I couldn’t figure out which paints were best to form a core collection.
Paint sets are great because not only do they remove the stress of deciding which colours you need, they’re also often great value for money!
This was the first paint set I ever bought and I think it’s pretty damn solid. Despite the fact it’s designed for Warhammer models, I used it to paint my D&D miniatures!
Citadel is widely regarded as one of the top miniature paint brands in the world and with this $60-$70 set, you get thirteen of their top quality paints, plus a starter brush, a mouldline remover and a pair of clippers.
You get your red, yellow, blue primary colours, as well as a black, a white, and a medium fleshy colour (standard for any beginner paint kit), but what makes this kit special, and the reason why I still use it despite having bought many other paints, are all the remaining eight paints.
The remaining eight paints in the set are gorgeous metallics (Leadbelcher is like my bread and butter for metals), perfect for any machinery or weaponry, a dark brown wash that works with almost any base colour, a glowing neon green Technical paint great for glowing weapons or magic effects, and (best of all) a textured grainy grey that makes painting bases a breeze!
Such a great starter kit!
Since you’re following along with me as I walk down memory lane, this paint set was the second one I bought (after buying the Warhammer one above).
The variety of the 40 colours is great—there’s something light and dark in almost every colour, along with a great variety of browns (which I did not think I needed so many of until I tried out this kit!).
The dropper bottles make dispensing tiny volumes of paint onto a palette so easy and the case is sturdy, lined with foam, has a carry handle, and also fits my brushes! Plus, the paints are made by Vallejo, so you know they’re great quality!
While there aren’t as many specialty paints as the Warhammer set, in terms of colour range for regular paints, this set is amazing.
There’s also an Intermediate level case with more specialised colours that I’ve got on my wishlist!
D&D Nolzurs Marvelous Pigments Adventurer’s Paint Set
If you’re not quite sure miniature painting is for you and don’t want to invest a huge amount of money upfront, the D&D Nolzurs Marvelous Pigments Adventurer’s Paint Set, clocking in at around $40, is perfect for you.
Not only do you get a great starter variety of 10 paints in dropper bottles, you also get a starter brush and a free exclusive Minsc & Boo miniature!
Unlike all the other kits mentioned so far, it even includes a grey paint-on primer! A great kit for testing the waters of miniature painting.
D&D Paint Night Kit (PREORDER)
Though these kits are still on pre-order (check the listing for ETA), these Night Paint Kits are ramping up to be a great option for beginner painters.
For under $40, you get a pretty big and highly detailed miniature, all the top quality Vallejo paints you need to paint it, as well as two brushes and a QR code linking you to a step-by-step tutorial!
I mean, what more can you ask for?
These kits are available with 4 different miniatures: Red Slaad, Death Tyrant, Dire Troll, and Boneclaw.
Scale 75 Scalecolor Artist Scalecolor Luxury Box
THIS. Now THIS is a paint set. If you’ve got $500 to drop on miniature paints, this is the ultimate paint kit—and we’ve only got one left in stock!
I mean....just look at that box! With the gold detailing and black wooden finish, it looks like the kind of thing you’d store wads of cash or gold bars in!
In this $500 luxury paint kit, not only do you get 48 Scalecolor Artist paints, you get acrylic thinner and acrylic retarder, a watercolour brush pen, two Kolinsky paint brushes, and a wet palette with 50 refill sheets!
Truly, I can’t think of a more luxurious set to paint my monsters with.
While paints are important, they are not the only thing a miniature painter needs! Below, I’ve listed two awesome products that I think deserve an honourable mention as they are core parts of my painting collection!
Note I have not included brushes here because all of the paint sets listed above come with their own brushes!
Citadel Spray Primer (IN STORE ONLY)
I use the Chaos Black spray on every miniature I paint and honestly, this stuff is the silent miracle of my painting endeavours.
Not only does it ensure the paint adheres properly to the miniature, it hides all my mistakes! The benefit of having a black primer is that any spots missed in hard-to-reach places, like armpits or underneath hanging cloaks, are no drama because the black appears like an intentional shadow rather than a missed spot.
However, if you prefer more vibrant colours, or if you are very experienced, we also offer this spray in Corax White.
Unfortunately, due to shipping restrictions, we are only offering these spray paints in store - make sure to call or email before you come down to check if we have any in stock!
My partner swears by this thing when painting miniatures. Ergonomically shaped and comfortable to hold, this painting handle makes manoeuvring miniatures a breeze. You can easily hold the miniature at any angle and the clamp holds on tightly so you won’t need to worry about accidentally dropping it!
We offer these handles both in a regular size (for miniatures with bases from 25-40mm diameter) and in an XL size (for bases from 50-105mm diameter).
And there’s our list of some of our best paint sets (as well as some bonus honourable mentions)! What did you think? Are you inspired to paint? I know I am!
Which of these sets are your favourite? How did your painting journey start? What are you painting next?
Be sure to let us know in the comments below!
Michael Abbott On
Great informative piece! For my money, Vallejo is a great place to start, although I’d love that Scale75 set 🤤
Been painting up a combo of Cursed City, a resin Swamp Hag and the remainder of Zombicide